Investment in Companies

Venture Legal can provide all legal assistance in relation to investments in, or divestments of, shares in companies, such as conducting legal due diligence, contract drafting and preparation of other relevant documents.

There are usually considerable interests at stake in relation to an investment in a company, both for a purchaser, a seller, the company itself, and, as the case may be, for other remaining shareholders. In order for a transaction to be successful, all relevant parties being satisfied and to avoid any future conflicts, it is necessary to ensure that a transaction is sufficiently prepared and the documentation sufficiently captures the intentions of the parties.

Höskuldur has been involved in a significant number of M&A transactions, ranging from the sale/acquisitions of small companies, to some of the largest transactions carried out in Iceland.

Venture Legal emphasises the importance of seeking to ensure that the parties to a transac-tion are well informed, that the risks involved are clearly defined and that the parties are in agreement as to how those risks are divided between them.

Corporate Finance

Venture Legal can provide all legal advice and documentation in relation to any type of corporate finance, whether by issuing share capital, warrants, bonds, by entering into facility agreements or otherwise.

Höskuldur has vast experience in relation to corporate finance and since 2006 he has provided as-sistance to lenders and borrowers alike in relation to various types of facility agreements and issu-ances of both listed and unlisted bonds.

Höskuldur is the author of the book Loan Agreements between Banks and Corporations which was published in 2016 and has developed an Icelandic form of a syndicated facility agreement, which has been used by the Icelandic banks.

Other types of Agreements

Venture Legal has extensive experience in relation to a vast array of different types of agreements.

As an example of types of agreements which Venture Legal can prepare and advise on, the follow-ing can be mentioned:

– Shareholders’ Agreements;
– Agreements on the sale/purchase of goods or services;
– Joint Venture Agreements;
– Pledge Agreements and agreements on other security arrangements;
– Lease Agreements;
– Agreements on the sale/purchase of real estate;
– Employment Agreements;
– Option Agreements;
– Non-Disclosure Agreements.

Other types of legal assistance

Venture Legal can provide other advice and services in relation to corporate law.

– Legal analysis, interpretation of contracts and law;
– Advice and documentation concerning corporate matters, e.g. shareholders‘ meetings, board meetings, share capital increases or reduction in capital, rules of procedure for the board of di-rectors, amendments to articles of association etc.;
– Advice in relation to financial restructuring.